• Mountain

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose as response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom”. (Viktor Frankl)

Mindfulness Training

I offer both individual and group Mindfulness training, as well as Integral Coaching grounded in the principles of Mindfulness.

Individual Mindfulness Training

This involves one-on-one sessions directed towards learning about and establishing a personal Mindfulness practice. It is important to understand that this is not therapy, but rather a process of supported self-exploration aimed at recognizing entrenched patterns that are no longer beneficial or healthy, and establishing a new approach to life.

Rates for one-on-one sessions are R650.00 per hour (excluding any travel on my part, if required).

Group Mindfulness Training

Although we have not yet finalised the dates, we have two new programmes starting early in April:

- an eight-week MBSR programme introducing the principles of mindfulness and facilitating the establishment of a regular personal mindfulness practice.
- a seven-week Mindful Parenting programme for parents, grandparents, carers and anyone else involved in raising children who would like to deepen their ‘parenting’ experience.

Apart from scheduled courses, I also run group Mindfulness courses on request.

Please be in touch for further details and for course fees.

Mindfulness Training

Mindfulness Training is a process of supported self-exploration aimed at recognizing entrenched patterns that are no longer beneficial or healthy, and establishing a new approach to life.

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Mindful Parenting

Mindful Parenting involves being present to our children just as they are in the moment; accepting them in their fullness, no matter how difficult or challenging that might be.

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Mindful Walking

Research has repeatedly demonstrated that exercise significantly reduces levels of stress and anxiety, releases muscle tension, helps you sleep better and boosts 'feel-good' endorphins.

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